
Spy Fox 2: "Some Assembly Required"

In this adventure game for kids 5-10, the freedom of the world is once again in peril! SPY Corps must call on their suave, super-secret agent SPY Fox to neutralize a ploy engineered by the Society of Meaningless Evil, Larceny, Lying, and Yelling (S.M.E.L.L.Y.) and masterminded by the dastardly Napoleon LeRoach and his giant dogbot ( disguised as a World's Fair exhibit). Can you find it before it goes on a rampage?

You can, with the help of SPY Fox and Monkey Penny, Professor Quack, Walter Wireless and Bea Bear (she's a graduate of "OhManThatHurtz!" massage school) and other characters.

You may just need their help, because the puzzles change; each time you start a new game, there will be a different combination of puzzles to solve! There are two "main paths" in the game, and each time you start a new game they take a few puzzles from path 'A" and a few from path 'B". There's also a bonus ending, for the "just perfect" end to the story. The help file that comes with the game has both hints and explicit answers, too.

Aside for the normal Junior Adventures point-n-click system, lots of things on-screen to click on for amusing animations, and puzzles designed to challenge and inspire kids to think for themselves, there's a new "talk balloon" system allowing you to extract information from just about anyone, while SPY Fox' gadgets can get you out of the more dire predicaments.

Explore and learn while you earn clues and uncover important info. Out of time, super sleuth? No problem - save now and play later. Want a break from spying? Play the "Things From Space" mini-arcade game for a change of pace.



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Game Information

Humongous Entertainment
Humongous Entertainment
Adventure, Puzzle
NA Release Date
August 13, 2015
EU Release Date
August 13, 2015
AUS Release Date
August 13, 2015
MVGL User Score
MVGL Difficulty
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0 User(s)

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Mac PC

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